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Now you may also add questions on Squareroot.

From 1 January 2016, all squareroot users now have good news. They may now also add questions on squareroot portal. To know how to do it just log in to your squareroot account and visit "Add Question" section.
In this blog we will like to share some FAQ'about this new feature.
First of all please note that the questions that you will add won't appear in front of you(as expected obviously). It is just like a voluntary task and may help you to better understand the type of question that are asked on squareroot. By adding these questions you will help squareroot and its users. Please note that all the questions that are added are moderated by the admin before they go live. This is done for two reason, first of all to ensure that the question that is asked is relevant and the options that it carries have one and only one correct option.
Secondly we make sure that the question must be challenging. For example we generally don't allow questions that can be easily searched on the internet, or involve some popular terms. Putting such questions on squareroot will be total waste.
Let us understand this by an example. Consider these two Questions.
1.Who is the prime minister on India.
2.Who is the winner of Wimbledon grand slam 2012.
Above two question will generally be rejected, the reason is that both of them can be searched very easily on Internet. Now consider this example.
Which of these people are Russian
A. Franz Kafka
B. Alfred Nobel
C. Fyodor Dostoevsky
D. Gunter Grass
Such questions may be allowed on squareroot. Because it doesn't gives the full information about the question. The complete knowledge of the question is possible only after a user buys it.
We encourage you to add more and more questions and be ensured that their is no penalty if your question is rejected. But try you best to put a question that may be allowed. From time to time we will announce prizes and rewards to top users with most number of Active questions.